Home Climbing Gyms
Home walls are perfect for those who require access to training anytime. The Treadwall® and Boulderboard® models give climbers a range of home training options.
Popular Products
Treadwall® Kore6
- Our overhanging only full size Treadwall designed & priced for home owners as the ultimate training tool. The Kore frame is assmbled from smaller sections which can be moved up/down stairs and around corners.
- Home climbing areas: Garages, attics, out-buildings, taller basements.

Treadwall® Kore4
- Our overhanging only compact Treadwall designed & priced for home owners as the ultimate training tool. The Kore frame is assmbled from smaller sections which can be moved up/down stairs and around corners.
- Home climbing areas: Garages, attics, out-buildings, taller basements.

Treadwall® Max6
Our flagship Treadwall® with the greatest angle range and simplicity of adjustment.
- Home climbing areas

Boulderboard8® Training Station
Our largest freestanding and collapsible training wall. Kilter, Tension and Grasshopper board LED layouts. Optional hangboard attachment.
- Home climbing areas
- Homes and apartments

Boulderboard6® Training Station
Our mid size free standing and collapsible trainig wall. LED pattern for Tension board. Optional hangboard attachment.
- Home climbing areas
- Homes and apartments

Boulderboard4® Training Station
Our most compact freestanding and collapsibe training wall. Optional hangboard attachment.
- Home climbing areas
- Homes and apartments