Rehab & Therapy
Physical Therapy and rehabilitation facilities have for years incorporated Brewer Fitness equipment into their patient’s programs to resounding success. The versatility of both the Treadwalls and Laddermill Ascenders provide doctors and therapists with a myriad of options for treatment and engaging movement. Both adult and pediatric facilities can benefit.
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Treadwall® S4
These have the optimal angle ranges for fitness but with the floor space of regular cardio equipment. The Pro packages come with large custom holds to offer the maximum choices to patients. The therapist can always be at the patient’s side while they are climbing on their own.
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- Hospital wellness

Laddermill® Ascenders
The Laddermill Ascender is a ladder climbing option perfect for rehab programs. They feature intuitive movement with the intensity of vertical climbing without requiring high coordination or strong finger strength. All the intensity of climbing with minimal technique or skill required. The therapist can always be at the patient’s side while they are climbing.
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- Hospital wellness

Treadwall® V6
These are excellent options for rehab facilities where floor space is highly limited. They are freestanding, vertical only, and placed against a wall. The 6 foot width offers good lateral movement and promotes a full range of motion. A typical rehab package includes the Pro package and Ladderline holds to offer the maximum patient choices.
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- Hospital wellness