2025 North American Pricing

2025 North American Pricing

Treadwall, commercial climbing walls, home climbing walls, Indoor climbing, Fitness climbing, Training for climbing

Rotating Walls


Rotating Ladders



Training Stations


All prices U.S. Dollars; installation, shipping, taxes not included unless specified. Prices subject to change without notice. 

Treadwall® Rotating Walls

The Treadwall® lineup offers options for every athlete. Choose the model, width, and height which best fits your needs and available space. Shipping and Options pricing listed after model descriptions.

Treadwall® Kore

Designed for home owners as the ultimate training tool.

Base Units-Treadwall only

4′ 6′
10′ $7,750 $8,050
11′ $7,850 $8,150

Pro Package-Treadwall +  holds, floor mat, digital display

4′ 6′
10′ $8,884 $9,399
11′ $9,214 $9,704
Rotating climbing walls, Fitness climbing, Training for climbing, Indoor climbing

Treadwall® Max

Flagship Treadwall with the greatest angle range and simplicity of adjustment.

Base Units-Treadwall only

4′ 6′
10′ $11,000 $11,700
11′ $11,200 $11,900
12′ $11,400 $12,100

Pro Package– Treadwall + holds, floor mat, digital display

4′ 6′
10′ $12,134 $13,049
11′ $12,564 $13,454
12′ $12,764 $13,654
Max 6 Treadwall rotating climbing wall

Treadwall® V

Fixed vertical position offers minimal footprint for smaller spaces.


Base Units-Treadwall only

4′ 6′
10′ $10,100 $10,700
11′ $10,200 $10,800

Pro Package– Treadwall + holds, floor mat, digital display.

4′ 6′
10′ $11,084 $11,839
11′ $11,414 $12,144
V6 Treadwall rotating climbing wall, Rotating climbing walls, Climbing simulators, Fitness climbing

 Treadwall Options & Upgrades:

Option: 4′ 


Holds- 10′ Units (36/48) $395 $510
Holds- 11′ & 12′ Units (60/72) $625 $715
Ladderline Holds $360 $360
Floor Mats (sized by model) $325-175 $425-225
Digital Display $399 $399
Casters $395 $395
Custom Frame Color* By Quote By Quote
Exterior Upgrade $1650 $1650

 Estimated Shipping: Actual shipping   quoted at time of delivery

United States:
Northeast $850
Midwest/Southeast $1,850
Rockies West $1,950-2,300
AK/HI By Quote
All Provinces By Quote


  • All units come with detailed install instructions and owners manual, and some with video support. Basic mechanical skills are required (similar to working on a bicycle) with standard tools, stepladder, and cordless drills required. Specialized tools provided. Expect 6 to 8 hours assembly time.
  • Orders are initiated only when Treadwall Fitness receives a signed quote back from the customer
    A deposit is not required to initiate an order but is required prior to production for all non-stock units
    All purchases must be paid in full prior to shipment unless otherwise arranged
    We accept checks, wire transfers and all major credit cards: please refer to our payment instruction sheet for details

    *We do our best to match color for custom color orders but an exact match is not gaurenteed.

Laddermill ® 

The Laddermill® self powered rotating ascender is the premier ladder climbing fitness system for vertical movement. Pro-Package shopping for ease of ordering with custom frame colors available.. 



Pro Package– Ascender + mat, digital display

4′ $9,900
Laddermill Ascender


Estimated Shipping: Actual shipping quoted at time of delivery

United States
Northeast By Quote
Midwest/Southeast By Quote
Rockies West By Quote
Ak/HI By Quote
All Provinces By Quote


  •  All units come with a detailed install instructions and owners maunal, and some with video support. Basic mechanical skills are required (similar to working on a bicycle) with standard tools, stepladder, and cordless drills required. Specialized tools provided. Expect 2 to 3 hours assembly time. 4 people needed at one point for 10 min.
  • Installation is available through a network of third party private installers throughout the US and Canada.

Boalderboard climbing equipment, Brewer Fitness

Boulderboard ® Training Stations

The Boulderboard® range of freestanding and collapsible adjustable training walls offer climbers at home power training. Choose from 3 board widths, optional hangboard attachment, and LED patterns


Base Units-BB only

4′ $1,950
6′ $2,450
8′ $2,650

Pro Package– BB + holds, hangboard mount

4′ $2,370
6′ $2,990
8″ $3,305
V6 Treadwall rotating climbing wall, Rotating climbing walls, Climbing simulators, Fitness climbing


 Boulderboard Options & Upgrades: Ala carte

Holds (24/36/48) $275/$395/$510
Hangboard Mount $145
Exterior Upgrade $300
LED Hole Patterns No charge


 Estimated Shipping: Actual shipping   quoted at time of delivery

United States
Northeast $450
Midwest/Southeast $850
Rockies West $950
Ak/HI By Quote
All Provinces By Quote


  • All units come with a detailed install instructions and owners maunal, and some with video support. Basic mechanical skills are required (similar to working on a bicycle) with standard tools, stepladder, and cordless drills required. Specialized tools provided. Expect 1 to 2 hours assembly time.

Climbing Accessories

Treadwall Fitness also offers Treadwall T-Shirts and other climbing essentials.

Climbing Accessories


Treadwall T-Shirt(s,m,l,xl)

Grey or Burgandy

Ledgewall Climbing Panels

All prices in US Dollars; installation, shipping, taxes not included unless specified. Prices subject to change without notice

87 York Ave, Randolph MA 02368 USA 781-961-5200 sales@treadwallfitness.com Rev 2-15 22